Create Happy, Fulfilling Relationships For Life

A 5 week online course to help you identify unhealthy patterns, end conflict, and start thriving in your relationships.

Happy Relationships Don't Happen By Accident

But relationships are complicated, and it’s easy for problems to appear that feel confusing and impossible to overcome.

Are there too many long, uncomfortable silences?

Are you walking on eggshells?

Does every conversation turn into an argument?

Do you feel like you have nothing in common?

Is there no spark left?

Are you growing in opposite directions?

In this course, you’ll learn my signature approach to relationships that has helped thousands of people over the last 40 years experience more love and connection than they thought possible. 

All Human Behavior Is Based On Patterns

Thank goodness for that, or I might have never experienced meaningful relationships! More on that later…

But most of us don’t recognize those patterns, so we stumble around in our relationships without realizing we’re causing problems.

As a result, our relationships suffer.

Learn to Speak the Language of Relationships

You can start creating the life and love you really want today.
It’s more simple than you think…

1. Learn the Hidden Patterns

2. Apply My Simple Solutions

3. Transform Your Relationships

Dr. Glenn Pickering


Hi, I'm Dr. Glenn Pickering

For me, the world is all about patterns. 

I’m genetically autistic and was born with no social or relational skills whatsoever. I was nonverbal for most of my childhood. Needless to say, my experience with relationships was mostly painful. 

Naturally, I pursued engineering until a psychology class revealed something astounding…

Human behavior and relationships have patterns, too.

I couldn’t believe it! Finally, I had hope I could understand people and create meaningful relationships.

This has led to 40 years of studying human behavior and relationships (and a PHD in Psychology). Over those years, I’ve developed a unique and practical approach that has helped thousands experience healthy, lasting relationships.

There is nothing in your life that is as important as your relationships. When your relationships thrive, your life is more fulfilling and joyful.

If you’re struggling with unfulfilling or painful relationships, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can have the life and love you’ve always wanted, beginning now.

Get my 5 week course and start thriving in your relationships!

Transform Your Relationships

For less than a single counseling session.

$ 99
  • 15 lessons taught by Dr. Glenn Pickering
  • Worksheets and notes for each lesson
  • On-demand, 24/7 access to material


The course includes 3 lessons a week for 5 weeks. That’s over 1 hour of instruction each week.

I’ve studied relationships for over 40 years, and helped countless people, couples and singles alike, improve their relationships. Trust me, if these principles work for me, an autistic ex-engineer, they’ll work for you!

No, but it can give you a solid foundation to start with and help you make more progress.

Start Thriving In Your Relationships

Don’t wait on the sidelines any longer. It’s time to restore your relationships and experience more love and connection in your life.

Get the FREE Relationship Rescue Kit to end conflict and start thriving in your relationships