Meaningful & Life Changing Relationship Help

Learn how to build lasting relationships with the people in your life with the help of Dr. Glenn Pickering

Glenn's 5 Week Course

Are you wanting to transform your life (and even the relationships you have) for the better?


With this 5-week course from Dr. Glenn Pickering, you can have confidence that you will be living a more joy-filled life as you learn how to create the life and love you really want.

Relationship Seminars

Are you looking to understand your relationships in ways you never did before? Be on the lookout for Dr. Glenn Pickering’s next seminar by signing up for his email list – you’ll even receive a free eBook as well!

helpful relationship training
counseling services

Counseling Services

Do you need a listening ear and wise counsel regarding a certain situation happening in your life? Dr. Glenn Pickering has been providing top-notch counseling services for 40+ years. Here are some of the services he offers:

About Glenn

Based in the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN area, Dr. Glenn Pickering has spent the past forty years studying relationships — learning how to build, strengthen, and maintain truly amazing connections with God and with other people.


During this time, he has had the honor of teaching, counseling, and mentoring thousands of people, each of whom taught him something about the art of living in relationship.


Read more…

relationship training seminars

What People are Saying

Glenn's Promise To You

If you are like many of the counseling clients and seminar students who come to me for help, you may be wondering, “Can you help me/us get back to the relationship we used to have?”

The answer is “no,” for two reasons. One, I don’t have the power to re-wind time; I’m good but I’m not that good! Secondly, even if I did have the power, I wouldn’t want that for you. How you were back then is how you got to where you are now!

It is NOT my goal to put a Band-aid on your current relationship or to help you to re-create a past relationship. Nor is it my goal to point fingers, dwell upon the past, or figure out “whose fault it is” that things are as they are.

My goal for you is much, much higher than that.

My goal is to help you to let go of the past and create the type of loving relationships you’ve never had before – the kind you’ve always wanted.

In short, my goal for you is nothing less than transformation.

With a little help, you can break out of the game of TAG and create the kinds of relationships that make every day a joyful adventure.

But first, you have to take action.  You can’t coast, any longer.

Continuing on in your same old, TAG-playing ways is not going to work and is never going to make you happy. In fact, the path you have been on will continue to make you more and more unhappy.

That’s why you need to get started, right now. Embrace your situation without judgment, apply the step-by-step lessons that I will gladly teach you, and get ready for a miracle.
Because you can have that miracle.

That’s my promise to you.

Learn more about The Art Of Relationships!

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Glenn's Brief Relationship Rants

Listen To Some Podcasts Of Glenn’s Radio Broadcasts.

It’s so important to take the first step in repairing your relationships! You can contact us here or by phone (952-903-9205). We will be happy to schedule an appointment or to answer your questions about our life-changing seminars or our unique educational materials.

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